Basic Service Membership

Basic services provide a foundation for staying informed about current issues in education. This membership affords districts the opportunity to stay connected to both the Ohio Department of Education and curriculum leaders in other districts.

Basic services provide for collaboration

District and building membership in the Hamilton County ESC instructional consortium which includes services and support in areas such as curriculum, standards, leadership, assessment, data analysis, instruction, and educational technology.

Easy access to content and instructional expertise; leadership for new and ongoing consortium projects; and connections to people, resources, professional associations, and the Ohio Department of Education.

Opportunities for district personnel to obtain answers to rules and regulations, to leverage participation in grants and professional development, to network with experts and other districts, and to gain resources for district/building work.

HCESC basic services consortium groups

Instructional Council, Literacy Council, Math Council, Gifted Services Council, and Technology Leadership Council. These groups hold monthly or quarterly meetings.

Basic services partnerships include:

  • Resource sharing and/or cost savings
  • Working with Ashland University to lower costs of professional development graduate credit
  • Identifying vendors to provide reduced costs to member districts
  • Regional and state entities to provide information, knowledge, and resources to member districts


Lisa Miller

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