SIOP Virtual Coaching and Face to Face Coaching

Do you have content or grade level teachers who attended SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Training? Are they practicing their skills as related to the eight SIOP components? English Language consultants can help them refine their practices through virtual coaching.

Each content specialist or grade level teacher will engage in two coaching cycles. A cycle consists of an initial meeting, or first step, during which the consultant and teacher converse and plan. The second step involves the teacher recording their practices and uploading the video to be viewed by the consultant. The third step in the cycle includes consultant feedback, teacher reflection, and the development of an action plan for the scene coaching cycle. Teachers participating in the virtual coaching cycle will receive final input from an English Language consultant via rubric. 

Throughout the process, the consultant and teacher are utilizing research-based strategies proven effective with English Learners. The eight SIOP strategies and practices apply to any student who struggles with academic vocabulary. 

Capacity is limited.


Connie Reyes-Rau

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