Physical Therapy

Physical Therapists teach functional movement skills, provide evaluations and therapeutic educational interventions in the areas of sensory motor development, movement and mobility skills, balance, coordination, and self-care. PTs design and adapt equipment to improve postural support, facilitate functional movement and increase independence within the school environment. A physician prescription may be requested.

School-Based Physical Therapy is designed to assist students in accessing the school environment and participating in class activities in order to benefit and be successful in the learning environment.

This might include…

  • Working on functional motor skills, balance and coordination
    to improve movement and mobility so the student can move safely within the various areas: bus, classroom, hallway, bathroom, cafeteria, doors, gym, stairs, playground
  • Helping the student learn how to safely use adaptive equipment such as crutches, walkers, gait trainers, wheel chairs, and powered seating systems
  • Helping teachers and staff learn how to safely use and assist students with adaptive equipment such as standers, adapted chairs and desks
  • Consult for facility planning and transition planning (work sites, community access and plans for after graduation)
  • Assist with development and training for safety and prevention policies, activities and procedures (e.g. evacuation, good body mechanics, health promotion)


Cassy Stidham

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