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Assistive Technology Consortium

The Assistive Technology (AT) Consortium is a unique partnership between Hamilton County ESC and school districts as a cost-effective way to adhere to the IDEIA requirements for assistive technology. Federal and state regulations specify that each public agency shall ensure that assistive technology devices and services be considered by someone knowledgeable and considered for every student with an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP).

Teresa Clevidence, Supervisor

Membership Benefits

  • Experienced and knowledgeable assistive technology consultants who come to your school and assist your team(s)
  • Collaborative Educational Assistive Technology Assessments
  • Assistance with selecting and customizing assistive technology tools for individual students
  • Provide training to the student, school team, and parents
  • Access to current assistive technology topics and trends
  • Large group professional development trainings
  • Newsletters
  • Website with ready to use activities, device smart sheets, links, and resources
  • Access to assistive technology devices through the Assistive Technology Consortium Loaning Library.

Our knowledgeable staff maintain and provide the upkeep of the extensive up to date equipment library which includes items for communication, reading, writing, math, learning and studying, vision, access to the environment, activities of daily living, and social behavior. Allows for long term trials of items to establish adequate training, customization, and data collection to determine if an item appropriately matches the student’s needs; allows a variety of tools to be trialed before selecting the best fit.

Already utilizing the Assistive Technology Consortium and want more?

Our experienced assistive technology specialists work with you to develop a comprehensive training, assessment, and implementation program. This service allows your school/district to have consistent access to the specialist ranging from 1⁄2 day a week to full time throughout the entire school year.

Customized Professional Development focused on Assistive Technology and you choose the audience and the location! Our experienced consultants will meet your needs by providing high quality, practical professional development on a wide range of topics.

  • AAC
  • Assessment and Data Collection Switch Use
  • Core Vocabulary
  • AT Tools for Struggling Readers and Writers
  • Tools for Sensory Regulation 
  • Tools for Executive Functioning
  • Latest and Greatest AT Tools
  • And many more!


Teresa Clevidence, Supervisor

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