Urban Principal Academy

Principals in today’s urban schools have the challenge of ensuring that every student has an opportunity to succeed. The mandate of ensuring high-quality teaching and learning is a great leadership challenge facing all urban administrators. This academy focus on the research-based best practices that have been proven to impact staff and student achievement as outlined in the Leadership for Learning Improvement in Urban Schools research-study sponsored by the Wallace Foundation.

In addition, principals will have the opportunity to share real time challenges and successes they are facing daily and have collegial conversations with other principals to discuss strategies to address these needs.

Participants will also develop a plan of action throughout the academy.

• Understanding Poverty: Strategies for Student Success

• Building a Highly Collaborative and Trusting Culture

• Using Data-Based Routines to Focus on Continuous Improvement Goals

• Growing Instructional Leadership Teams and Winning the Confidence and Respect of Parents/Community

• Understanding and Leading Change

Paul Smith

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