Ohio Teaching Jobs

OhioTeachingJobs.org is the gateway to finding and posting positions for employment within southwest Ohio schools.

Membership in the OhioTeachingJobs.org (Greater Cincinnati School Application Consortium) provides school districts a streamlined way of finding, evaluating, and hiring the most qualified job candidates. Through the use of a large and growing database, district personnel can find the ideal certificated, classified, and administrative applicants.

Created for the unique needs of school systems, the consortium automates application storage, retrieval, and tracking. The system can be used to find teachers, substitute teachers, administrators, and non-teaching employees.

  • School administrators can use AppliTrack to manage the application process from beginning-to-end without depending on paper or time-intensive clerical work.
  • Applications are automatically added to a fully searchable database. When it comes time to hire a new teacher, a point-and-click search menu allows administrators to find qualified candidates in minutes.
  • May be integrated with Gallup Teacher Insight, AdminFit, TeacherFit and JobFit candidate selection tools.
  • Shared cost. The consortium allows districts to share the costs of running the system.

With the system’s simple application process, applicants are likely to apply to all of the districts within the consortium. This increased pool improves the district’s chance of finding better teachers.

Consortium now over 50 districts and organizations in multiple southwest Ohio counties. Hamilton County ESC manages all aspects of the consortium system.


Matt Wendeln

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